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运用文献研究法等,从共生理论视角,分析中国武术节与中国地域武术的共生关系及协同发展路径。在当前举办的中国武术节中,存在3个共生单元:武术节、主办方与地域武术,这三者之间形成了3种不同的共生关系。其中:中国武术节与主办方、中国武术节与中国地域武术形成了"间歇共生组织"和"对称互惠共生行为";而中国地域武术与主办方则形成了"间歇共生组织"和"非对称互惠共生行为"。要实现中国武术节与中国地域武术之间的协同发展,需加强中国武术节节庆制度建设;深化中国武术节与中国地域武术的关联;促进中国地域武术的传承与发展。  相似文献   
红色旅游演艺是文旅融合的重要形式。本文从红色旅游与文旅结合的角度,分析了山西省红色旅游演艺现状,指出了在其发展中存在的问题,认为山西红色旅游演艺主要的问题是:总接待量不高、演艺产品转化率低、不同演艺产品接待量差异较大的结论。并提出从5个方面进行山西红色旅游演艺产品的提升:做好顶层设计、产品开发设计、客源市场拓展、营销宣传策略和人员管理。  相似文献   
保辜制度是我国古代一项极具特色的法律制度,在唐代臻于成熟。保辜制度的目的在于确定伤害行为与结果的因果关系,具有对受害人进行保护、对加害人赋予悔改机会以平稳修复社会关系的深层内涵,从某种意义上其与当代的刑事和解制度的目的有着一定的相通性,对于完善我国的刑事和解制度具有积极意义。借鉴唐代保辜制度理念,可以从扩大适用范围、增加审查起诉阶段观察期、加大司法机关参与力度、实行执行阶段保证人制度等方面完善我国刑事和解制度。  相似文献   
茶文化作为中华优秀传统文化的代表之一,在新时代的大潮下应不断传承发扬。公共图书馆作为文献信息的传播枢纽,作为文化传承、传播和创新的重要基地,理应在茶文化传播工作中扮演重要角色。本文以实践工作为例,根据泉茶文化特点,通过开展读者调查,打造了茶文献特色专架,开展了沙龙、讲座、展演等活动,构建了包括开放性、综合性、体验性和生活化特点的“OCEL”公共图书馆特色茶文化阅读推广模式,助力茶文化阅读推广。  相似文献   
随着消费社会的深化发展,现代消费已成为影响城市空间形态演化的重要因素。以此为出发点,以消费文化的视角来考察城市空间,揭示20世纪80年代以来澳门半岛滨水空间形态的演化特征。研究表明:消费时代,城市主要根据经济诉求组织空间的生产,借助资本的熔铸,澳门半岛滨水空间建设呈现出博彩旅游化、高层豪宅化和空间巨构化等特征,并最终实现空间形态的重塑。在此基础上进行批判性反思,如城市消费空间与传统城市意象的协调发展、城市空间的阶级化和滨水空间的公共性等问题。  相似文献   
国务院印发《完善促进消费体制机制实施方案(2018-2020年)》文件中指出"积极培育‘冰雪运动’体育消费新业态"。在此背景下,立足于消费空间视角,以冰雪文化成为空间消费品为切入点,针对我国冰雪文化消费不足的问题,提出了冰雪文化消费空间的概念。研究发现,冰雪文化消费空间不仅具有经济、社会、文化的内涵特征,而且其体验化、商业化、休闲化、娱乐化的典型特征与文化艺术化、信息网络化、全球国际化的非消费要素相互共存,在空间消费活动中逐渐构建成宏观、中观、微观层面的空间体系。最终,在空间生产语境中,基于"生产-消费"的逻辑,提出了将冰雪文化消费空间正式纳入"生产-分配-交换-消费"的过程追求再生产的发展路径。  相似文献   
作为我国改革开放新格局的粤港澳大湾区为武术文化“走出去”提供了新的机遇,根据文化传播之规律,粤港澳大湾区协调推进的武术国际化发展需强化“武术是文化”的认识,继承“丝绸之路”和“儒家文化圈”的历史经验,树立“服务国家,联通世界,提升影响”的建设目标。  相似文献   
根据学校体育改革的基本任务和基本方向,对未来校园足球成功的"十个一"内容、关系和表征进行了思考:(1)有威有效的管理机制和制度;(2)分层有效的课程教学体系;(3)学科融合的足球校园文化;(4)有足球特色的体育大课间;(5)全员参加的联赛与运动会;(6)校、家、社结合的共建网;(7)较高水平的代表队与成绩;(8)专业敬业的足球教师队伍;(9)满足教学训练的场地器材;(10)学生体质健康进步的答卷。提出了实现这"十个一"的施策方略。  相似文献   
Little is known regarding the profiles of whole body donors in Muslim majority countries where donation is scarce. Therefore, this study aims to profile registered donors in Turkey by means of a survey. The explored data could be used to improve ongoing campaign efforts and ethical practices such as commemoration services. Registered donors of the donation programs at the two faculties of medicine of Istanbul University were compared with the national population and a cluster analysis was performed to reveal any concealed sub-groups. Data from 188 respondents were analyzed. The majority of registered donors were married (42%), male (65.4%), aged over 50 years (76%), held a tertiary education degree (49.7%), and were irreligious (58.5%). Cluster analysis revealed two groups with significantly different educational levels, marital statuses, and religious choices. Regarding whether their bodies could be used for education or research, the majority (64.5%) of the respondents left the decision to the anatomy department. Similarly, 73.8% approved indefinite use of their organs, body parts and/or skeletons. The respondents were also willing to share their medical history (94.2%) and personal information (81.6%) if needed. Motivational themes for body donation including usefulness, impermanence, religion, awareness, and kinship were devised after a thematic analysis. Among the respondents, 56.5% were registered organ donors and 63.3% were frequent blood donors. The results of this study provide data that may help revising informed consent forms, developing and implementing thanksgiving ceremonies, and selecting additional targets for supporting body donation campaign activities such as organ and blood donation units.  相似文献   
Jiangsu province has actively responded to the call of the Party and the state of building China into a country of strong “sports power” and “cultural power”,through an all-round effort in the sectors of sports material culture,sports spiritual culture,sports system culture and sports behavior culture. Jiangsu has improved the sports organization mechanism,ensured the sports public services,inherited folk sports culture,riched sports event culture and promoted high-quality sports culture.In an effort to build a province of renowned sports culture,we have seized the opportunities,taken sports culture as a starting point,and developed a strong sports culture in Jiangsu on all fronts,the experience of which is of reference value to the development of advanced sports power in other provinces and our nation.This paper adopts the methods of document review,logical analysis and investigation,re-generalizes the connotation and standard of a province of strong sports culture on the basis of the existing research results,and discusses the construction and development practice of Jiangsu’s development of sports culture and its further construction path.  相似文献   
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